Hookup Q&A: How to get more casual hookups?

Q: Hi, I am a college student and I am single. As you should know, hookup culture is pretty much becoming as a trend for us. As a plain-looking and introvert guy, I find it is really hard for me to find one night hookup or casual hookups. When seeing my friends taking girls out and in, to be honest, I envy them. I want to find more hookups and want to be like them. I want to be a part. As much as I hate this culture, but the reality is the more girls you hookup with, the more welcomed you are among people. Do you have any effective tips for me on finding tinder hookup? I need help in this.

A: From your words, I could tell that you are not so confident about yourself. You are not confident about your look and your personality. This is the first tips and the most important tips I would like to give you. Find your strength and use it to the fullest. Being confident is the best charm for every individual. It has nothing to do with your appearance and personality. It is a feeling that you must feel good about yourself in whatever circumstances. You don’t need to be pretty to be confident and neither need you to be outgoing and talkative. Just find your advantages that could make you proud of yourself. When you are confident about yourself, you will be much more attractive when dealing with people, including hitting girls up. Here is the best dating app for hooking up.

Second, your purpose of finding hookups is not right. If you are doing this just to be treated as you want by your friends, then you might miss out the point. First, ask yourself, what is the main reason for you to have one night hookup? Is it for fun or for other purpose? This is not a competition, even though the hookup culture in college might give you a wrong impression. Hooking up is about enjoying life. If you don’t enjoy hookup, but consider it as a way to enter a certain social circle, then you might as well find another way to do it, because you will not be having fun in this. If you are not having fun, you won’t love it. If you don’t love it, how come can you be good at it?

After you figured out the above-mentioned questions, I would like to tell you how to find more casual hookups. Actually, these days, hookup apps are great and efficient way to find casual hookups. People there are all open to hookups, which makes it much easier and convenient to find someone for one night fun. Hookup apps are perfect choice especially for introvert people like you. Of course, you can still go in real life. This is also a good way to make some practice in hitting up girls and flirting with them, but it might seem harder for you compared to the suggestion I just gave you. Here is the best hookup app for hooking up.